Stuff Strife, Gimme Life!
by Paul Hichens (2)Paul Hichens transformed his own mundane office-block existence into doing something he loves in a fantastic location, and has since helped and guided thousands of people to change their job / career and improve their lifestyle.
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Ebook Version $2.99
Paper Book Version $7.99

A recommended read for those seeking positive changes in their careers.

Faisal Ameer
"Stuff Strife" is a remarkable career guide that gives practical advice in a very engaging way. Highly recommended!
Creating Your Masterpiece - A Novel Experience
by Paul Hichens (2)Like no other novel writing guide Even this book has a twist!
Paper Book Version $9.99

Paul Hichens is an exceptional author. "A Novel Experience" guides writers in sidestepping expensive missteps, proving transformative for determined authors.

Provides invaluable insights. An essential resource for aspiring authors.
Butcher Boy Blue
by Paul Hichens (3)Funny, thrilling and addictive with an enthralling new sleuth, Butcher Boy Blue is crime… and so much more!
Web View Version $2.99
Ebook Version $3.99
Paper Book Version $9.99
While it`s not my typical reading material, a friend well-versed in books recommended this to me, and I trusted his judgment. I`m delighted that I did!This book is a truly exceptional and original piece of work. If you`re looking for something refreshingly different, sprinkled with humor and excitement, I highly recommend giving it a try!
At the conclusion of the author`s career guide, I stumbled upon a mention of this book, where it was casually portrayed as an attempt at novel writing. However, to call it just an attempt would be an understatement; the author has undeniably excelled beyond expectations! The crime narrative is incredibly captivating, but it deviates from the typical `crimey` style. I had a hunch it would be good, but I never imagined it would be this exceptional!